Drivers Ed Chapter 5 Review
Feb 24, 2012 Driver should keep one car length back from the car in front of them (about 20 feet) for each 10 miles per hour of speed. Learn completely how to play piano pdf. Stop the vehicle 2. Remain calm 3. Assume the worst and get help 4. Wait at the scene 5. Ask for assistance of passing motorists, bikers, or joggers (if needed) 6. Warn oncoming traffic (if needed).
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Chapter 5 Drivers Ed Test
20 Cards in this Set
Graduated driver licensing programs D. All of the above 5 The four steps of the IPDE process are identify, predict, decide, and execute 6. Drive defensively by protecting yourself and others from a dangerous and unexpected situations 7.When applied to driving, the term risk means the possibility of having a conflict that results in a collision 8. Drivers Ed Video - How to prepare and pass the written test Steps to obtaining a Canadian Drivers License, first you must take a written drivers test, next obtain your permit to drive then. Study Flashcards On Chapter 5 Drivers ED at Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. makes it easy to get the grade you want! Study Flashcards On Driver's ED Test: Chapter 1 Worksheet at Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. makes it easy to get the grade you want! Drivers Education Home; Behind the Wheel; CDPT Road Test Requirements; Drive Right - Chapter Lessons; Driver Education Videos; Driver’s License Document Requirement; Forms. Drive Right Chapter 5. Comments (-1) Drive Right Chapter 6. Comments (-1) Drive Right Chapter 7.
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What is the standard accident-prevention formula? | |
Since emotions can have a great effect on your driving, what should you do if you are angry or excited? | Take time to cool off - you should always remain calm |
Not looking at any one thing for more than a few seconds. | |
The best way to 'talk' to other drivers on the road is to? | Turn signals (hand signals), catching their eyes, tap the horn, and/or share the driving with another licensed motorist |
Why is it important to drive with a safe cushion? | Safe, following distance so you have time to react |
The three - second - plus rule can be used at any speed to help you | |
To maintain a proper following distance when driving, you should stay at least | |
After driving through a deep puddle, you should immediately | |
What action should you take when another vehicle is passing you? | You must be careful - stop in the proper lane and slow down to make the pass easier |
What does it mean if your car starts to hydroplane? | It rides up on a film of water, usually happens at 35mph or faster |
To avoid hydroplane and loosing control of the vehicle on a wet road surface, you should | Not drive on a bald or badly worn tires, slow down when heavy rain, standing water, or slush is present. Heavy rain storm - drive on the highest point |
On snow covered roads, a good rule is to maintain a following distance of | |
While driving in the city, it is a good habit to? | Drive slowly, yield to pedestrians, scan the road 10 seconds ahead |
A motorist should be cautious in farm country or in open land because | Livestock or deer may cross the road, make unexpected moves |
What should you do if your car starts to skid out of control? | Handle it in both front-wheel and rear wheel drive vehicles. Take his/her foot |
What should you do if your wheels drift onto the dirt shoulder of the road? | Slow down, continue controlling the car, get back into the flow of traffic once safe |
What is the first thing you should do if your brakes give out? | Shift to low gear and pump the brake pedal fast and hard several times. If it doesn't work, the parking brake should be held while holding the brake release. |
What should you do if you have a blow out or flat tire while driving? | Hold the steering wheel firmly and keep vehicle straight while gradually slowing down. Remove foot from gas - stop but don't use brakes |
If the gas pedal sticks, before calling for help, you should keep your eyes on the road and quickly | Shifting to neutral. Steer the vehicle to a safe area off the roadway |
27 Cards in this Set
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Chapter 5 Drivers Ed Quizlet
The __________ has three parts: people, vehicles, and roadways. |
The main _____ of driving is the possibility of a conflict that leads to a collision |
As a driver, you are responsible for your ___________ ________, which include the cost of fuel, oil, and tires. |
The ______________ includes all the social, physical, and mental skills required for low-risk driving. |
A process of seeing, thinking, and responding is called the __________ |
Your _________ are not determined by how many miles you drive and include the initial cost of your vehicle, licensing fees, and insurance. |
A method for managing the space around your vehicle is called the _______________ |
______________ means driving in a way that reduces conflicts |
A(n) ___________ requires a young driver to go through a series of licensing stages. |
IPDE Steps: You see a construction worker holding a warning sign |
You slow down to increase your following distance |
You see a motorcyclist signaling for a left turn |
You think the vehicle's passenger door will open |
Responsible drivers strive to behave respectfully toward other drivers. |
You must stop if you are involved in a collision |
Operating, fixed, and crash costs are part of owning and driving a vehicle. |
All drivers should try to buy and maintain fuel-efficient vehicles and use fuel-efficient driving habits. |
Buy maintain fuel efficient vehicle, use fuel efficient driving habits, use car pools and public transportation, recycle materials, work for strong policies that encourage energy-efficient driving |
At least one primary document, secondary document, total documents must be worth 6 points or more, proof of address, social security number |