Freddi Fish Computer Game
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- Humongous 2019. Since 1992, Humongous Entertainment has been a main stay of entertaining and educational games for children. Millions of Moms and Dads have shared the adventures of Pajama Sam, Putt-Putt, Freddi Fish, Spy Fox and all the great Humongous characters with their early learners and elementary school age children.
- Favorite Friends 4-Game Collectors Pack: Freddi Fish - The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse, Blue's Clues - Blue's 123 Time Activities, Tonka Contruction 2, and Candyland Adventure.
Freddi Fish is a goldfish and the main protagonist in the video game series of the same name. She is Humongous' first female main character, and has been in a total of eight games since her creation in 1994. Freddi is known for her intelligence and skill as a junior detective.
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Freddi Fish Download Free
Genre: Adventure, Childrens
Release Year: 1999
Developer: Humongous Entertainment
Publisher: Infogrames
Age Rating: Everyone
Playability Status: Perfect
Tested On: Windows 8 x64
Availability: Copyright retained - Still sold
Theres some ghostly goings on at Freddi’s school! A despicably mean ghost has started to haunt her classroom, scaring her classmates and stealing all their toys. Freddi’s no fool however and she quickly deduces that the ghost is a fake. In order to catch this fishy imposter, Freddi will need to construct a trap, but how can she find all the pieces? Life under the sea can certainly be exciting! Can you lend Freddi Fish a helping fin? Originally released in 1996, this cute adventure game is an ideal way to keep younger children occupied while also helping them develop key problem solving skills. The version we have tested here is the 1999 re-release, which is the same game but with Windows XP compatibility. If you see this game for sale on the second hand market, be sure to check the date on the box to make sure that you are purchasing the version we tested here.
The game should install without any issues. We recommend that you perform a full installation.
Freddi Fish Computer Game Download
Running the game
The game should run without any issues. During gameplay, press the Space bar to access the options menu. The only options you may wish to change are to do with sound. If the voices of Freddi and her friends do not play correctly or do not sync with their mouths, try a different sound processing mode.
Pressing the “S” key will save your game and pressing the “L” key will load your game.
Troubleshooting and known issues
Freddie The Fish Game Free
Cannot open the help file:- Freddi Fish comes with a full help file that contains the story to the game, a list of the keyboard commands and help with configuring the games settings. This file is in an older format and will not open directly on modern versions of Windows. Microsoft offer a free download to fix this problem, simply attempt to open the Help file and follow the on-screen instructions. Many users have reported having issues with this download however, with the downloaded update claiming it is “not suitable for your system”. If you need to, use this link to download a program called “winhlp32”. Extract this program from the zip file and run it, you can then open your help file using this program. The help file is called “FreddiCHSH.hlp” and is found in the games installation folder (C:Program FilesInfogrames InteractiveFreddiCHSH by default).