Powershell Command To Install Exe

  1. Powershell Run Installer
  2. Install Application Using Powershell
  3. Powershell Command To Install Exe Mac
  • I have an.exe I would like to install on a large farm of Windows Server 2008 computers. I am attempting to use Powershell remoting. I have this command which works locally: invoke-command &.
  • I used GPO to deploy powershell script and the installer to local c: temp folder. My boss doesn't want to manually install on each machine so I need to use the powershell script to icm call against the remote PCs. GPO is used to deploy installers. I cannot convert pidgin.exe to msi by using freebie converter, it didn't work.
  • I have an.exe I would like to install on a large farm of Windows Server 2008 computers. I am attempting to use Powershell remoting. I have this command which works locally: invoke-command &.
  • The very first thing I need to do is install AutoIt, which will be used to run some portions of the install. The script is autoit-v3-setup.exe which brings up an Install Wizard. Since it's an.exe and not an.msi, how do I have Powershell run through the Wizard (defaults all the way) and finish before moving on.

Windows PowerShell comes installed by default in every Windows, starting with Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.

If you are interested in PowerShell 6 and later, you need to install PowerShell Core instead of Windows PowerShell. For that, see Installing PowerShell Core on Windows.

Nov 13, 2011  I am trying to install an executable 'McAfee Agent' framepkg.exe through PowerShell with no luck. I am able to install some custom msi packages I wrote via the Win32Products Classes Install Method. I cannot however install this program. What are some other ways you can use to run an. Well, most importantly does it have a 'silent' option? I previously covered how to silently install a MSI. The next thing an administrator wants to do is install it on a remote system. That is the logical next step. This isn’t always the easiest task for someone new to PowerShell.

Finding PowerShell in Windows 10, 8.1, 8.0, and 7

Sometimes locating PowerShell console or ISE (Integrated ScriptingEnvironment) in Windows can be difficult,as its location moves from one version of Windows to the next.

Powershell Command To Install Exe

The following tables should help you find PowerShell in your Windows version.All versions listed here are the original version, as released,with no updates.

For Console

Windows 10Click left lower corner Windows icon, start typing PowerShell
Windows 8.1, 8.0On the start screen, start typing PowerShell.
If on desktop, click left lower corner Windows icon, start typing PowerShell
Windows 7 SP1Click left lower corner Windows icon, on the search box start typing PowerShell


Windows 10Click left lower corner Windows icon, start typing ISE
Windows 8.1, 8.0On the start screen, type PowerShell ISE.
If on desktop, click left lower corner Windows icon, type PowerShell ISE
Windows 7 SP1Click left lower corner Windows icon, on the search box start typing PowerShell

Finding PowerShell in Windows Server versions

Starting with Windows Server 2008 R2,Windows operating system can be installedwithout the graphical user interface (GUI).Editions of Windows Server without GUI are named Core editions,and editions with the GUI are named Desktop.

Windows Server Core editions

Powershell Run Installer

In all Core editions,when you log to the server you get a Windows command prompt window.

Type powershell and press ENTER to start PowerShellinside the command prompt session.Type exit to terminate the PowerShell session and return to command prompt.

Windows Server Desktop editions

In all desktop editions,click the left lower corner Windows icon, start typing PowerShell.You get both console and ISE options.

The only exception to the above rule is the ISEin Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1;in this case, click the left lower corner Windows icon,type PowerShell ISE.

How to check the version of PowerShell

To find which version of PowerShell you have installed,start a PowerShell console (or the ISE) and type $PSVersionTableand press ENTER. Look for the PSVersion value.

Upgrading existing Windows PowerShell

The installation package for PowerShell comes inside a WMF installer.The version of the WMF installer matches the version of PowerShell;there's no stand alone installer for Windows PowerShell.

If you need to update your existing version of PowerShell,in Windows, use the following table to locate the installer for the versionof PowerShell you want to update to.

WindowsPS 3.0PS 4.0PS 5.0PS 5.1
Windows 10 (see Note1)
Windows Server 2016
Windows 8.1
Windows Server 2012 R2
-installedWMF 5.0WMF 5.1
Windows 8
Windows Server 2012
installedWMF 4.0WMF 5.0WMF 5.1
Windows 7 SP1
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
WMF 3.0WMF 4.0WMF 5.0WMF 5.1


On the initial release of Windows 10, with automatic updates enabled, PowerShell gets updated from version 5.0 to 5.1.

If the original version of Windows 10 is not updated through Windows Updates, the version of PowerShell is 5.0.

Need Azure PowerShell

If you're looking for Azure PowerShell,you could start with Overview of Azure PowerShell.

Otherwise, what you might need isInstall and configure Azure PowerShell

See Also

You can use PowerShell to run an executable (exe). However, you have to consider a few things.

Timothy Warner

Timothy Warner is a Microsoft Cloud and Datacenter Management Most Valuable Professional (MVP) who is based in Nashville, TN. Check out his Azure and Windows Server video training at Pluralsight, and feel free to reach out to Tim via Twitter.

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PowerShell and external commands

Many of my Windows systems administrator friends know that they can run commands such as the following successfully from a PowerShell console session:


On the other hand, I’m somewhat surprised at how few of these sysadmins understand why and how PowerShell allows these commands run an exe in the first place. Well, I’m here to teach you both the theory and the practice.

The basics ^

Sony vegas pro 13 apk free download for android. We can execute programs such as ping and notepad because their enclosing directory paths (C:WindowsSystem32 and C:Windows, respectively) exist in the Windows search path by default. See here:

PowerShell can execute an exe, but you need to be explicit in your instructions.

Let’s add that path to our system search path and try again:

Install Application Using Powershell

The previous statement works all day long; however, you’ll find that the new environment variable disappears after you close the current PowerShell session! To make a permanent change, we’ll need to tap more directly into the .NET Framework by using the [Environment] type accelerator:

[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('Path',$env:Path+';C:Program Files7-zip',[EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)

Note that you’ll need to open a new PowerShell session to see the change.

The call operator ^


Sublime Text is my favorite text editor, and I can run the program on my workstation by running the following two lines of PowerShell code:


However, the following statement fails:

C:Program FilesSublime Text3subl.exe

PowerShell politely runs executables that exist inside search path directories, as previously discussed. Likewise, if we’re in the target directory already, the “dot slash” (./) notation explicitly instructs PowerShell to treat the file as executable. That’s fine.

The problem in the above example is that PowerShell has no earthly idea that subl.exe is an executable. As far as the PowerShell parser is concerned, we simply defined an anonymous string. What’s cool, though, is that we can use the call operator (&) to notify PowerShell that the target resource is, in fact, executable:

Powershell Command To Install Exe Mac

Passing arguments - where the fun begins ^

Thus far, you may be thinking, “Tim, you’re not teaching me anything new!” Perhaps you already understood environment variables and even the call operator. Fair enough. But have you ever tried to run an external command in PowerShell that used arguments?

Sure, PowerShell can handle switch parameters and key/value arguments on the most popular network utilities, like so:


That last statement reminds me of Perl. 🙂

Splatting ^

The last method I want to show you involves splatting. In splatting, we pass a hash table into a command and PowerShell spreads out the hash table contents to be used as parameters. To do this, we first create a hash table that contains our arguments and their values:


By the way, a hash table, also called an associative array, is simply a collection of key/value pairs that we can treat as a unit or by its constituent parts.

We finish by running the exe and passing the hash table variable: