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I'm definitely missing something - as this technet article mentions installing only once.. it's popping for every single 'print'.
Aug 24, 2016 We have a client who recently upgraded to SQL Server 2014. Everything looked good until they tried to print out a SSRS report on a 32-bit Windows 7 machine. First the prompt pops up asking if you want to download the control from Microsoft. Hit yes, and it acts like it is going to install. To use the print feature, click the Printer icon on the report toolbar. On first use, this will download to your computer a Microsoft ActiveX control that provides thePrint dialog box. Depending on browser settings, the control may be installed automatically, or only when a user agrees to install it.
PSX Emulator 1.13 FeaturesThis emulator includes the following features:. Epsxe free download.
Using Client-Side Printing
To use the print feature, click the Printer icon on the report toolbar. On first use, this will download to your computer a Microsoft ActiveX control that provides thePrint dialog box. Depending on browser settings, the control may be installed automatically, or only when a user agrees to install it. After the control is downloaded, the Print dialog box displays whenever you click the Printer icon so that you can specify options and send the report to the default printer. For more information, see How to: Print a Report (Report Builder 3.0 and SSRS).
I have a Reporting Services 2005 server that when users accessed it and tried to print reports would get a message asking them to install the print control, which they could not do because of lack of permission. A work around I had found at the time was to copy the .dll and .rll files to their computer on startup via group policy and then register it. Now we are upgrading to Reporting Services 2012 and the print control has changed and I need to do this again.
I have 3 questions.
I can't locate the .dll and .rll files on my computer to put in a share. Where should I look for them.
I have a mix of 32 bit and 64 bit machines. Will this make a difference in what files I need?Will the script below otherwise still work?
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I modified the above script to the following and placed the x86 and 64 files in different folders.
These files were extracted from the c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSRS11.MSSQLSERVERReporting and c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSRS11.MSSQLSERVERReporting and placed in the appropriate folders
and it appears to work on 32 bit and 64 bit systems, however, it no longer allows you to print from Reporting Services 2005 on the 32 bit machines. It prompts to install the print control. The 64 bit machines can print from both Reporting Services 2005 and 2012 after running this script.
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John Wesley Gordon2 Answers
Hey just for future reference you got this the wrong way around. the 32bit DLL files should go to SysWOW64 and the 64bit should go in system32.
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Confusing but that is the way it works with DLL's is SysWOW64 contains the 32bit emulated DLL files and system32 contains the native 64 bit ones.
Hope this helps someone.